AU's Literary Magazine
How To Submit
Upload submissions AND enter a short biography about yourself in the third person (2-3 sentences) to Elysian’s new Moodle shell!
Join here: https://moodle.aurora.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=34011.
To enroll, use code: auelysian
On Moodle, locate the submission toggle for the short biography and submit 2-3 sentences about yourself. Then, locate the submission toggles for the medium(s) to which you are submitting (i.e.. poetry, one-act play, short or non-fiction, art, or photography). Then, upload your files. Each piece of work should be a different file or document. Upload mediums to their corresponding submission boxes. Do not include your name or initials within any documents or titles of files. Untitled work or submissions without bios will not be considered!
No hard copy or email submissions, please.
Contact elysian@aurora.edu with any questions!
Submission Guidelines
Four-page maximum per poem
Up to five submissions per person
Attach as separate Word documents
Short Fiction and Non-Fiction:
3,000-word maximum
One submission per person
Attach as Word document
One-Act Plays:
3,000-word maximum
One submission per person
No excerpts from longer plays
Attach as Word document
Art and Photography:
Five submissions per person
Must be 1 MB or larger
Attach as JPEG files